Check out this wedding on Smitten Magazine

Thank you to Smitten Magazine for the instagram love and reminding us about this amazing Paradise Cove wedding.  

Not only is Paradise Cove and an amazing gem of Malibu, it also provides the most stunning and romantic backdrop for a California wedding.  We had the pleasure of providing music and sound for the wedding now featured on Smitten Magazine blog.  Click here to visit the full article and get inspired.

The music, the food (and bourbon!) and amazing people and stunning environment of the Bluff at Paradise Cove turned out to be exactly as wonderful as we had envisioned it would be. The part I’d most like to share here is the moment I stole for myself in the middle of it all to take a look around and soak it all in. I gazed at the dance floor full of people enjoying themselves, felt the warmth of the bonfire and quilts, took in a deep breath of ocean air, and it was all just…perfect. It was the most perfect moment of my life.
— Elizabeth, the Bride